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Young programmer makes AI to fight parking tickets

September 5th, 2016  |  Auto

Parking tickets aren’t going to affect your auto insurance rates, but they will cost you money if you’re not careful. The good thing is you can fight them as well as other minor traffic violations to save money.

While most people get the help of a traffic lawyer to successfully fight a ticket, hopefully costing them less money than they’d have to pay, new tech is letting people do it for free.

Joshua Browder is a 19-year old computer programmer from the UK who created a chatbot designed to help draft parking ticket appeals. According to Tech Insider It has already successfully appealed over $3 million of tickets in the UK and while it was made with UK laws in mind, it can still be helpful to North American drivers by asking them the same questions a lawyer would.

Once the bot learns about your case it will generate an appeal letter you can use to fight your case. While there it currently has no Canadian laws programmed in, the program could easily support it in the future. Browder is first focusing on adding US cities.

It isn’t the first example of a legal aid chatbot, and as computers grow more powerful and more advances are made with artificial intelligence, it’s quite possible computer programs will help people with more serious traffic tickets and insurance disputes for free.

A recent report said that AI will play a big role in growing the fintech industry. While it seems Canada still lags behind other countries, maybe when companies see how easily they could provide convenient services to people, such as Borrowell’s free credit score reports, we’ll experience a fintech renaissance here in Canada.